Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Who killed Marek Papala?

Patrick Fitzgerald, the US Attorney in Chicago said: ‘While we respect the Judge’s thoughtful opinion, we respectfully disagree with the result’. But in real terms is there a chance to bring Mazur back to Poland for trial? I put the question to former Polish press correspondent in the United States Bartosz Weglarczyk.

‘There is a chance if we present a better case. If you read the judge’s decision, he was not only disappointed but was shocked with the Polish extradition case. If we want to go ahead with the next extradition case we need something much better and I’m not sure we can find it. I talked to an FBI agent last night who was involved in the case and he told me that the US Prosecutor’s Office will be talking to the Polish government and trying to decide if they have a better case. Somehow I don’t believe it.’


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