Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Is Kaczynski Serious About New Elections?

Do you really believe that there will be new elections in Poland?

The polls show that the Civic Platform has about 30% support, the Law And Justice Party about 25%, and Lis about 10%. Poland's Government Behind In Polls

Another poll shows that he is considered the worst Prime Minister since 1989. Polish Prime Minister Kaczynski Is Poland's Worst Since 1989

Does Prime Minister Kaczynski think he can really pull an election victory off against numbers like those?

Does he really think that people who think that he is Poland's worst prime minister will reelect him to the post?

It is more likely that he is simply playing his game of hardball and is out to pull members from Samoobrona and possibly LPR so that he both weakens them and increases the number of people that he has in a minority government.

Kaczynski has too much to lose to chance new elections.

If he is patient he can steadily pull people from Samoobrona and LPR to get either a near majority or majority vote in the Sejm.

What do you think?

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